Incredible results and inspiring journeys; below are some examples of patients treated in our practice!
Crowding of the Teeth

This patient started treatment at age 15y9mos and wore braces for 25 months. She loves her new smile!
Deep Overbite: Upper Front Teeth Excessively Overlap the Lower Front Teeth

This adolescent patient started treatment at age 12y11mos and wore braces for 23 months. He loves the result, and his bite feels much more comfortable.
Spacing of Teeth

This adult patient, age 36, wanted orthodontic treatment to close the spaces. She wore braces for 24 months. She has an upper fixed (glued-in) retainer to help keep the spaces closed.
Overjet: Protruding Front Teeth

This patient did not like how her upper teeth were too far in front of her lower teeth. She started treatment at age 9y11 months and she was finished at age 12. Her treatment involved braces and a Herbst appliance to help guide her jaw growth.
Openbite: Front teeth Don’t Touch

This adult patient, age 24, did not like that most of her teeth did not touch when biting down. Her treatment involved upper and lower braces with TADs (temporary anchorage devices) to help close her bite. She was in treatment for 22 months.
Missing Lateral Incisors

This patient’s lateral incisors were congenitally missing. She had braces to move the teeth into the correct position. She now wears a clear retainer with pontics to replace the missing teeth. She will have implants placed when she is old enough.
Underbite: Lower Front Teeth in Front of Upper Teeth

This patient found her underbite very uncomfortable. Her treatment lasted 26 months and involved both braces and a jaw surgery.
Phase I: Underbite

This patient presented at age 8 with a narrow upper jaw and an underbite. She had a phase I expander and upper partial braces to correct the bite. Phase I treatment lasted 15 months, and we are now observing her while she continues to grow.
Phase I: Openbite

This patient sucked his thumb as a young child. He started treatment at age 8 with a special appliance called a tongue crib. He also had braces on the upper front teeth.